Meet Shoestring Warrior & Climber Nathan

With a passion for climbing, backpacking or anything outdoors, Nathan’s enthusiasm for adventure is contagious. Three years ago, he started climbing more often in the gym, and that’s when it clicked:

I realized that being outdoors was something I needed in my life.

Nathan joined us on a scout trip to Sturtevant Camp, then reunited with us almost one year later in the same place for the Wilderness First Aid Course. He is the kind of guy you’d love to meet, always offering a smile and making people laugh. As an aspiring outdoor guide, we think Nate will be an amazing leader. Learn more about Nate in our interview, including his favorite local climbing spots and tips for newbies!

Shoestring Warrior: Nathan


Long Beach, CA

Current Location:

Long Beach, CA


Juicer at Salud Juice

What are your passions outside of work?

Number one thing that keeps me going is rock climbing. A very close second is a deep love for nature that gets me out doing things like backpacking, snowboarding, surfing… I’m lucky here in California. I can do anything I want outdoorsy all in one day!

How would you describe your level of camping experience?

I’d love to think I have camping down to a science, but there’s little tips that everyone had that makes their campsite unique. Let’s just say I have a small box of things like fire starters, cliff bars, water, and a first aid kit in my car at all times… along with any other climbing gear laying around.

Shoestring Adventures Trip Completed:

Wilderness First Aid Course

When did you discover your love for the outdoors and rock climbing?

I would say it was close to three years ago when I started rock climbing more often in the gym. When I bought my first crash pad, that’s when it all clicked. I realized that being outdoors was something I needed in my life.

What advice do you have for other Shoestring Warriors who want to learn how to rock climb?

Two things that really help you out when it comes to rock climbing. First off: start at gym. It’s a great place to get technique down, figure out your strengths and weaknesses, and also meet other climbers in the area. Second thing I’d recommend which falls under the meeting other climber category is find someone who has been climbing for a while and learn from them. Climbing is something I have learned is a sport that requires a lot of patience and a lot of calluses. Chalk up!

What’s your favorite local spot to rock climb, both indoor and outdoor?

As far as indoors go, even though I’m not a member, I really like Stronghold Climbing Gym. It’s just a little far away from me, but I like to meet my friends there! As far as local spots outdoors, it’s a toss up between Malibu Creek State Park or Stoney Point. Malibu is a great time because it’s a little more secluded, scenic, and a wide variety of top rope and sport climbs. Stoney Point offers bouldering and a much more classic edge. It’s cool to climb in a place where the grandfathers of climbing first climbed.

What is your favorite piece of gear to bring on the trail?

Now this is definitely a tough question. I’d say the one thing I always end up having no matter what is of climbing tape. You’d be surprised the number of things you can do and fix with climbing tape.

What inspired you to earn your Wilderness First Aid Certification? What was your favorite part of the Wilderness First Aid Course with Shoestring Adventures?

Long term, I want to become a trip leader/outdoor guide so I figured getting my Wilderness First Aid certification would be a great step. Honestly, my favorite part of the course was doing all the hands on activities with like-minded people. Lots of fun and lots of laughs!

Where is your next adventure?

The next adventure is always a mystery. I always have new routes I want to do which take me to really cool places. All I know is as soon as weather permits, I’ll be up in Mammoth snowboarding and then heading to Bishop to do some climbing on the way back.

The perfect s’more?

The perfect s’more… the ULTIMATE camping question. Each part is so important! First off, the graham cracker. My favorites are the cinnamon graham crackers from Trader Joe’s. Next, we move on to the chocolate. The standard Hershey’s bar doesn’t do it for me. Reese’s, sliced up Milky way’s, maybe some good dark chocolate to melt will spice it just right. And to top it off, a nice golden marshmallow carefully toasted over the fire with a little TLC.

Follow more of Nate’s adventures on Instagram!

Photos © 2017 Nathan Krugman, Phillip Rodriguez, Andrew Orellana, Ronald Beimel, Davis Gerber

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