Meet the Shoestring Warriors, the adventurers who make up our community!
Shoestring Warrior: Rachel
Ann Arbor, MI
Current Location:
Los Angeles, CA
PR/Social Media Marketing Coordinator
What are your passions outside of work?
Weight Lifting, Dance, Backpacking, Camping, Reading
How would you describe your level of camping experience?
Advanced – I go every chance I can get!
Tell us about your Shoestring Adventures!
Shoestring Adventures has changed my life. It has opened doors of opportunity for me to explore places I wouldn’t see otherwise and build friendships that will last a lifetime. I attended Shoestring Adventures in Ojai 2014 and Havasupai 2015.
What advice do you have for first-time campers who want to get outdoors?
COME PREPARED! Read up on multiple websites, ask your friends, make a checklist. Better to come with more weight than realize you lack necessary equipment.
The perfect s’more?
Gooey and crisp (golden brown)… the only way to have it.
Follow more of Rachel’s adventures on Instagram!